Event Details

Women's Energy Network

The Women's Energy Network (WEN) is an international organization of professional men and women who work across the energy value chain. Our mission is to develop programs to provide networking opportunities and foster career and leadership development of our members who work in the energy industries.

WEN's vision is to be the premier global organization that educates, attracts, retains, and develops professionals working across the energy value chain. WEN offers educational, networking and leadership opportunities nationwide through luncheons, conferences, community initiatives, socials, and mentoring programs.

The Greater Oklahoma chapter (WEN OK) was launched in October 2015 and serves the entire state of Oklahoma with over 1,000 members. We remain focused on our key objectives to ensure we are creating valuable opportunities for our members and sponsors. This includes relevant and engaging programming and networking events, impactful mentoring circles and opportunities to engage with our communities through STEM education and other events.

Benefits of WEN OK Board Positions

The WEN OK leadership team meets monthly and is responsible for achieving the WEN mission across the state of Oklahoma. It is made up of board members and chairs who work in the energy value chain and are enthusiastic about challenging themselves while actively promoting diversity in the industry.

Serving as a WEN OK Board member provides our leaders with an opportunity to:

  • Access and receive mentoring from senior energy leaders who serve on the Advisory Council or have held other leadership positions.
  • Stretch themselves while receiving support and mentoring from co-board members.
  • Apply leadership skills learned in corporate training classes, especially when opportunities to put those new skills into action may not exist.
  • Develop valued personal and professional relationships across the network and community.

Board of Directors Positions

  • President Elect (3 year term)
  • Treasury (2 year term)
  • Programming Director - OKC (2 year term)
  • Programming Director - Tulsa (2 year term)
  • Membership Director - OKC (2 year term)
  • Membership Director - Tulsa (2 year term)
  • Marketing Director - Tulsa (2 year term)
  • Sponsorship Director (2 year term)
  • Chief of Staff (1 year term)

๏ปฟTo nominate yourself/someone, please click "REGISTER" to start the process:

  • Select the position you're interested in and click "REGISTER NOW" on the bottom page
  • Fill the information requested

Nominations Close September 30th, 2024

======================= Chair Opportunities Available! =======================

We're excited to announce that we have chair opportunities open in several of our board functions. If you're interested or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to a member of our Board of Directors (BOD) or send an email!


President Elect

Estimated time commitment: 15-20 hours per month

Job Summary
The President-Elect must possess all qualifications associated with a candidate for President, demonstrating organizational leadership experience and strategic thinking aligned with guiding principles to lead the WEN OK organization. The President-Elect will hold a three-year term, succeeding to President and Immediate Past President in the two subsequent terms. She will assist the President, chair the Nominating Committee, and support other committees or events as designated or able. Additionally, the President-Elect will lead the development and cultivation of corporate sponsorship and corporate membership relationships with partner organizations. She collaborates with the President to learn the role, become familiar with the organization's programs and governance, and facilitate officer transition. The President-Elect assists and supports the President as needed and plans for the Presidential year.

Responsibilities - key responsibilities for this position include:
โ— Chair the Nominating Committee as specified in the bylaws and facilitate the annual nomination process.
โ— Participate in WEN Global Presidents’ Meetings and Conference Calls.
โ— Communicate with WEN Global as needed to conduct WEN business.
โ— Develop, manage, and execute the annual corporate sponsorship program.
โ— Engage actively with corporate sponsors and corporate members.
โ— Develop and maintain effective and innovative sponsorship/partnership concepts, materials, and presentations.
โ— Conduct follow-ups with business contacts to gather input/feedback and identify opportunities where WEN of Greater OK can supplement existing development programs.
โ— Interface with sponsors, partners, speakers, and other supporters during events throughout the year

Key Deliverables - includes but is not limited to:
โ— Assist with Board Meeting agenda development.
โ— Assist with content development for the annual report to be provided to WEN Global.
โ— Ensure effective transition of incoming board members in October.
โ— Plan a Board of Directors retreat/transition meeting with the President.
โ— Maintain prospect and contact data, electronic files, and hard copy documentation, in addition to generating accurate forecasting, income, and Board of Directors reports throughout the year

Standard Price Complimentary

Estimated time commitment: 5-10 hours per month

Job Summary
The Treasurer is responsible for the custody and management of all WEN of Greater Oklahoma funds and financial records. This role involves overseeing and supervising the financial business of the organization, rendering reports and accountings to the Board monthly, and performing all duties incident to the office of Treasurer. The Treasurer operates under the general financial oversight of the Board and compiles an annual report covering the year's finances for presentation at the December Board meeting. Additionally, the Treasurer prepares an annual budget for the current year for presentation at the February Board meeting. Responsibilities also include the timely filing of the organization's annual tax return, recommending accountants to be hired by the Board, and overseeing and working with WEN of Greater Oklahoma’s accountants. Upon the start of a new term or appointment of a new President, the Treasurer files Form 8822-B with the IRS to notify them of the President's name and address. The Treasurer ensures all financial records, books, and annual reports are available for inspection and copying at the request of any Director. The Treasurer or another Board-authorized signatory may sign checks up to $2,500 on behalf of the organization, while checks over $2,500 require signatures from both the Treasurer and another Board-authorized signatory. The Treasurer’s duties may be delegated to a contractor, but the Treasurer remains responsible for oversight.

Responsibilities - key responsibilities for this position include:
Oversight of the financial business of WEN of Greater Oklahoma including:
โ— Annual tax filings
โ— Monthly accounting
โ— Annual reporting
โ— Annual budget process

Key Deliverables - includes but is not limited to:
โ— Monthly financial statements presented at Board of Directors meetings.
โ— Annual financial report presented at the January Board of Directors meeting.
โ— Annual budget presented at the February Board of Directors meeting.

Standard Price Complimentary
Programming Director OKC/Tulsa

Estimated time commitment: 10-15 hours per month

Job Summary
The Programming Director supports program development in line with WEN's short-, mid- and long-term strategies. The Director plays a key role in program assessment, design and evaluation, and daily operations of scheduled events for WEN. The Programming Director will be the primary board liaison for WEN programs, overseeing recruitment of educational speakers, networking and volunteer events, external industry events, mentoring content, and potential contractors. This role is a 2-year commitment and includes a co-director and a number of chairs to assist with programs and events.

Responsibilities - key responsibilities for this position include:
โ— Designs strategic program content for the year and create program calendar
โ— Designs and executes Greater OK’s annual conference and gala
โ— Works with Chairs to create program event plans
โ— Assists and participates in the Program Committee checkpoints
โ— Assist Chairs on finding and retaining speakers
โ— Assists Chairs with finding community partners for volunteer events
โ— Primary liaison with the BOD and National Chapter on Greater OK programs
โ— Reports on progress across mentor program, education programs, networking events, volunteer events, external events, and conference events
โ— Assists Marketing Director to provide regular communications to the membership every quarter on progress
โ— Assists Marketing Director to create and advertise event registrations
โ— Surveys the membership on program successes and opportunities
โ— Escalates program issues to the BOD
โ— Assists the Sponsorship Director with retaining sponsors for each event

Key Deliverables - includes but is not limited to:
โ— Annual Program Calendar
โ— Execute Program Plans
โ— Quarterly Membership Communications
โ— Membership Surveys
โ— Progress Reports & Issues

Standard Price Complimentary
Membership Director OKC/Tulsa

Estimated time commitment: 10 hours per month.

Job Summary
The Membership Director develops and oversees the membership goals of WEN of Greater Oklahoma. The candidate must think strategically, align with guiding principles and values, and be willing to help plan, direct, and implement membership activities. The Membership Director is responsible for maintaining and building a membership base that drives the success of the WEN of Greater Oklahoma organization. This individual will lead and direct a committee to achieve goals and objectives. This role is a 2-year commitment.

Responsibilities - key responsibilities for this position include:
โ— Perform all duties as required by the WEN of Greater Oklahoma bylaws.
โ— Cultivate relationships and communicate regularly with existing members and potential members.

Key Deliverables - includes but is not limited to:
โ— Set annual membership goals, supporting strategic direction of organization.
โ— Help develop comprehensive membership plan.
โ— Work with existing executive members.
โ— Prioritize plans for existing members, new members, growth, retention, and outreach.

Standard Price Complimentary
Marketing Director - Tulsa

Estimated time commitment: 10 hours per month

Job Summary
The Marketing Director oversees all marketing, communications, and public relations activities of the organization. This role guides the direction of the organization through branding, including all external messaging, marketing, and member communications, and provides support to all other functions of the organization. The Marketing Director is responsible for building a team with the necessary skills and leading them to deliver expected results. This role is a 2-year commitment and includes several chairs to assist with content development and communication.

Responsibilities - key responsibilities for this position include:
โ— Develop overall marketing plans, objectives and priorities for WEN of Greater OK and oversee budget
โ— Coordinate the writing, editing and design of all communications including outreach materials, newsletters, social media posts, and other printed materials promoting the chapter.
โ— Collaborate with all functions on marketing content.
โ— Acquisition of marketing collateral, as appropriate to support chapter branding.
โ— Coordinate preparation of organizational communications such as, brochures, fliers, banners, posters, etc.
โ— Oversee management of news releases pertaining to all newsworthy activities.
โ— Participate in relationship development activities to outside organizations/businesses and allied associations.
โ— Coordinate maintenance and updates of the Greater Oklahoma chapter’s area of the website.
โ— Coordinate the capture and posting of photos and videos of chapter events.
โ— Acts as ambassador for the chapter and national organization.

Key Deliverables - includes but is not limited to:
โ— Strategic Marketing plan for the year
โ— Annual budget estimates, based upon scheduled program and event activities in addition to general WEN of Greater Oklahoma marketing needs
โ— Bi-annual newsletter distribution
โ— Event promotion materials, as required to support the organization’s program and events
โ— Promotional materials, including but not limited to, published news stories, press releases, articles, trade show needs, etc.

Standard Price Complimentary
Sponsorship Director

Estimated time commitment: 10-15 hours per month.

Job Summary
The Sponsorship Director is responsible for outreach to meet our annual sponsorship goals and beyond. This role involves maintaining and expanding existing relationships with sponsors as well as building new ones. The ability to attend numerous WENOK events and network regularly is a bonus. The candidate must think strategically, align with guiding principles and values, and be willing to help plan, direct, and implement sponsorship strategies. This role is a 2-year commitment.

Responsibilities - key responsibilities for this position include:
โ— Perform all duties as required by the WEN of Greater Oklahoma bylaws.
โ— Work closely with the Past President and President to identify new sponsors and conduct outreach.
โ— Support Programming Directors in outreach efforts for the Gala.

Key Deliverables - includes but is not limited to:
โ— Set annual sponsorship goals, supporting strategic direction of organization.
โ— Help develop a comprehensive sponsorship plan.

Standard Price Complimentary
Chief of Staff

Estimated time commitment: 15-20 hours per month.

Job Summary
The Chief of Staff supports the Past President, President, and President-Elect, in addition to providing support to other directors as needed. This role serves as an opportunity to gain access and knowledge to all board functions. The Chief of Staff assists in the coordination and execution of board activities, ensuring effective communication and collaboration among board members. This role involves strategic thinking, organizational leadership, and the ability to manage multiple tasks and priorities. This role is a 1-year commitment and doesn’t possess any voting rights.

Responsibilities - key responsibilities for this position include:
โ— Assisting in the development and execution of strategic plans and initiatives.
โ— Managing special projects and initiatives as assigned by the President or other board members.
โ— Acting as a liaison between the board and other stakeholders, including members, sponsors, and partners.
โ— Ensuring compliance with bylaws and other organizational policies and procedures.
โ— Supporting the recruitment, training, and onboarding of new board members.
โ— Assisting in the planning and execution of events and activities organized by the board.

Key Deliverables - includes but is not limited to:
โ— Active communication with chapter leadership, including BOD.
โ— Support to Sponsorship Director on strategic initiatives.
โ— Presence at WEN of Greater Oklahoma chapter events.

Standard Price Complimentary


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