Event Details

WEN invites you on a tour of the Kendeda Building at Georgia Tech.

The Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design is the first building in Georgia and 28th in the world to earn Living Building Challenge (LBC) certification, the world's most ambitious and holistic green building achievement. Rather than being less bad for the environment, The Kendeda Building fosters regenerative and restorative relationships amongst humans and nature where people give back more to the environment than they take. The building is net-positive energy and water over the course of each year. By incorporating salvaged materials during construction, the building diverted more waste from the landfill than it sent.

To maximize the benefit of the tour please watch The Kendeda Building tour video for an overview of the building prior to arrival. This will allow for a more focused discussion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja030aaVIEA.


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