Kreuz currently serves as an Area Vice President with Gallagher’s Benefits and HR Consulting division in Houston, Texas. She has been creatively solving business problems for 20 years, catalyzing progress, and connecting businesses with the resources they need to accomplish their objectives. Since 2015 her primary focus has been getting better returns on corporate health & welfare benefits programs.
Her experience centers on multi-stakeholder customer experience and vendor management, from the end user to intermediate managers, executives, and board level leaders. Her background includes business strategy at Amazon in New York City and L'Oreal headquarters in Paris, France. She leans heavily on research, financial analysis, and transparent negotiation practices. She is an outside-the-box thinker who is motivated by discovering and communicating ideas to get the good ones moving.
Annette has an MBA from a top tier international business school, HEC-Paris, and Bachelor's degrees in Art History and French Language from SMU, from which she graduated with departmental distinction. She is a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
Ms. Kreuz resides with her husband and two young children in The Woodlands area and holds leadership roles with the Women's Energy Network and the Greater Houston Women's Chamber of Commerce where she has been awarded WEN's Rising Star award and the GHWCC President's Award. Annette's favorite topics after fixing healthcare are space exploration, psychology, and people strategies for business.