Event Details

WEN Boston invites you to join us on March 20th from 2-3:30pm, for an interactive, virtual keynote experience delving into the intricacies of navigating through different organizational tiers to achieve success.

By integrating the Table Group's and Pat Lencioni's renowned "Six Types Working Genius" performance assessment, this session will provide participants with invaluable insights into their individual Working Genius and the diverse perspectives needed to thrive at every level within an organization.

Through a series of engaging activities, group discussions, and real-world scenarios, attendees will uncover practical strategies for leveraging their Working Genius to navigate the complexities of different roles within the organizational hierarchy.

Whether you're an aspiring leader aiming to ascend the ranks or a seasoned executive seeking to enhance your effectiveness, this session offers valuable insights applicable at every stage of your career journey.

By the end, participants will walk away empowered with a newfound clarity on how to leverage their unique strengths to unlock success at every organizational tier.


  • Brandon D Towle (Chief Performance Officer at Yielded Consulting Services)

    Brandon D Towle

    Chief Performance Officer at Yielded Consulting Services


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Member Virtual
Standard Price $25
Non-Member Virtual
Standard Price $50

Registration cost includes the opportunity to take the Working Genius Assessment, for enhance learning during the session and use for continued development afterwards.


The 6 Types of Working Geniusdownload