
Women are breaking ground in energy industry careers, and thousands of them are members of WEN. Active members receive exclusive or discounted access to benefits at both the Global and Chapter levels, some of which include networking opportunities, educational and leadership programs, access to a career center and membership directory, volunteer opportunities, and more. Membership is open to both women and men seeking to advance their energy careers by developing a strong network and enhancing leadership skills. Prospective members must meet the following requirements:

  • Hold a bachelor's degree, a technical certification, or five years professional involvement in the energy industry;
  • Be currently employed at an energy company or at a company, nonprofit organization, or governmental entity providing services to and/or regulating energy companies;
  • Submit the required application form;
  • Pay Annual Individual Membership Dues, have Annual Corporate Membership Dues paid by their employer in the course of maintaining a Corporate Membership, or have a WEN Chapter fund an annual Individual Membership on the prospective member's behalf, including the Prohibited Use of WEN Directory Policy & Non-solicitation Policy;
  • Abide by the terms of the WEN Global Bylaws and appropriate WEN Chapter bylaws (copies provided upon request).

If you have any questions, please contact